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Cartesi continues to push ahead vigorously in research and development, aiming to provide ample opportunities for the future of the DApp ecosystem. In the near future, we will present important updates regarding team expansion, DApp incubation program, new strategic partnerships and critical development achievements.

Some advantages of the project

* Learn exactly how to develop a DApp with Cartesi to unlock massive computation and use mainstream software stacks to build powerful and complex logic.

* Use mature and mainstream 'Zero-knowledge' libraries that compile for Linux.

* Give smart contracts access to a file system: read, modify, process, compress and decompress files - all in a decentralized way among DApp participants, while retaining the security guarantees of Ethereum.

* Move off-chain complex computation and save on GAS fees.

* Process massive amounts of data that are made available by reputable and trusted data sources, all in a fully decentralized way among the DApp participants.

Website: cartesi.io

Telegram chat: https://t.me/CartesiProject